Awards For Development Journalism
No. PUB(F)-12-2/2011  Dated    12th July, 2016  


In supersession of all previous notifications issued in this behalf from time to time, the Governor , Himachal Pradesh is please to make the following Rules:-

1. Short Title, Commencement and Definitions.

(1) These rules shall be called “Himachal Pradesh Government Awards for Development Journalism, Rules, 2016.”

(2) They shall come into force from the date of their notification in the official gazette.

(3) In these rules, following words shall have the meaning as assigned to them, unless a different intention appears from the subject of context.

(a) “Government” means the Government of Himachal Pradesh.

(b) “Development reporting” is reporting the change that is taking place in the lives of the people in the State. It should tell the story of what is going well as what is going wrong. It includes reporting on non-officials initiatives in States development, educational reforms, social welfare etc. and in depth reporting of official development programmes. All development reporting should be necessary investigate.

(c) “Director” means the Director of Information and Public Relations appointed as such by the Government.

(d) “Journalist” means a person engaged in the profession of Journalism and working in newspapers/ news agencies/TV/News Networks/as Editor, Associate Editor, Assistant Editor, Chief Sub Editor, Senior Sub Editor, Sub Editor, Staff Correspondent, Special Correspondent, Principal Correspondent, Sr. Correspondent/Correspondent but shall not include a Government employee.

(e) “Newspaper” includes a dailies, weeklies of standing having a good circulation, not less than 20,000 copies and other periodicals being published regularly in English or Hindi.

(f) “Electronic Media” means a Satellite News Channels having telecast at national hook up.

(g) “Screening Committee” means a Committee constituted by the Government for the purpose from time to time.

(h) “Year” means the year starting from 01st January and ending on 31st December of year.


2. Objective of the Scheme.

Objective of the Scheme:-

To expound the achievements of State Government from development point of view at various levels.

3. Type and Value of Awards.

Type and Value of Awards:-

(1) There shall be four types of awards, categorized as under:-

(A) National Award,

(B) State Award,

(C) District Award,

(D) Electronic Media Award,


(A) National Award, for which National level stories will be considered and will be opened to all journalists throughout the country.

(B) State Award, for State Award, the state level stories would be considered and journalists stationed or posted in Himachal Pradesh and working in Himachal Pradesh will be eligible for this Award.

(C) District Award, this will be given for district level best stories and journalists working in the Districts who will be eligible for the District level Award. 

(D) Electronic Media Award, this award will be given for best developmental story telecast on any National/Satellite News Channels.


(2)     (i) Value of the National Award for Print Media:- The Value of the National Award for the best story published in the newspapers and other periodicals will be Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh).


(ii) The Value of State level Award for Print Media:-

For first best story published in newspapers and other periodicals will be Rs. 75,000/- (Rupees Seventy Five Thousand).

For second best story published in newspaper and other periodicals will be Rs. 40,000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand).

For third best story published in newspapers and other periodicals will be Rs. 30,000/- (Rupees Thirty Thousand).


(iii) The value of District level Award for Print Media.

For first district level best story Published in the newspaper and other Periodical will be Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand).

For second best district level story published in the newspapers and other periodicals will be Rs. 30,000/- (Rupees Thirty Thousand).

For the third best district level story published in the newspapers and other periodicals will be Rs. 20,000 (Rupees Twenty Thousand).


(iv)The value of Award for Developmental story telecast on Satellite News Channel.

(a) For the first best developmental Story telecast on Satellite News Channel on national hook up will be Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand).

(b) For the second best developmental Story telecast on Satellite News Channel on national hook up will be Rs. 30,000/- (Rupees Thirty Thousand).

(c) For the third best developmental story telecast on Satellite News Channel on national hook up will be Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees Twenty Thousand).

4. Entitlement for Award

Entitlement for Award:-

(1)  The award will be given to journalist for writing the best developmental story about the State which can be on any aspect of developmental as defined in rule I (3) (b).

(2)  The language and presentation of the story shall also be taken into account while matching selection for award stories. 

(3)  In the case of Award, where two or more than two stories are found to be equal merit, the amount of the award will be apportioned equally.

(4)  Journalist who has received an award shall be considered again after three years from the year in which he has been given such award.

(5)  A Journalist shall be disqualified for the award, if it is established to the satisfaction of the Government that canvassing has been done on his behalf for award.

(6)  Only those stories which have been published telecast during the calendar Year i.e. 1st January to 31st December will be considered for the award.

5. Procedure for Selection

Procedure for Selection:-

(1)  Entries for the Award may be received by the Director, Information and Public Relations through any of the following methods:-

(i)      The Director may select Stories published during the year, at his own initiative.

(ii)    Story of deserving Journalists can be sponsored by any individual or organization.

(iii)   A journalist may, on his own, file an entry for the award. The Director will announce the awards in the press and will also circulate the Scheme of Awards to all Directors of Public Relations in different States of the Country for further circulation to the newspapers in their States as also directly to major newspapers.

(iv)   The Director (I&PR) will constitute a committee of five eminent personalities from different fields from the Himachal Pradesh, who individually or collectively will nominate or select stories for consideration of the awards which have been published in daily newspaper or telecast in electronic media in or outside State in that calendar year.


(2)  No entry fee shall be charged.


(3)  Each person/organization will mention whether the entry is for the District level, State level, or the National Level Award. Each entry shall be accompanied by four photo state copies of the Story, as published in the newspapers, along with one copy of the entire original newspapers in which it was published. For award for Electronic media, the best story telecast will be considered for which entries in the shape of DVD/CD with a certificate from the Head of the National Satellite News Channel about Telecast of the story with time and date will have to be submitted.


(4)  There shall be a Screening Committee consisting of the Secretary (I&PR), the Director and one eminent journalist to be nominated by the Government. The Committee shall select the entries which in their view deserve further consideration by the Board of judges.


(5)  The Government shall, every year Nominate a Board of four Judges, who shall be eminent journalists and at least one of whom shall be a journalist of a Hindi newspaper. One member will be from the National Satellite News Channel.


(6)   The Screened entries shall be sent to each Judge for his/her consideration but the decision of the Board of Judges will be taken on a meeting. The Board may, if it thinks fit, recommend that no story deserves an award.


(7)  Each judges of the Board of judges and the Non-Official Member of Screening Committee shall be entitled to an honorarium of          Rs. 5000/-, besides, he shall be declared as State Guest and also be entitled to journey expenses by any mode of travel (including air).


(8)  The evaluation by the Board of Judges shall be considered by the Government and awards will be announced every year.


(9)  The decision of the Government on the award shall be final and shall not be questioned in any court of Law.

6. Presentation of Award

Presentation of Award:-

(1)    The award shall be given in a simple but befitting function to be organized by the Information and Public Relations Department.

(2)    The Award winners shall be treated as a State Guests and shall be given to and fro free expenses from his place of normal residence by any mode of communication.

7. Miscellaneous Provisions

Miscellaneous Provisions:-

(1)  The Govt. shall have the power to make any change in the scheme or issue any clarification in respect of the scheme whenever necessary.


(2)  The Director of Information and Public Relations will be over all in-charge of the scheme and may issue necessary instructions in this regard to its proper implementation from time to time.

By order



Chief Secretary (I&PR) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh.


Endst. No. PUB (F)-12-2/2011-                Dated Shimla-171002,           12th July, 2016

Copy to the:-

1.    The Secretary to Governor, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2.

2.    The Special Private Secretary to Chief Secretary, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2.

3.    All Additional Chief Secretaries/Principal Secretaries/Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P. 

4.    All Head of the Department, Himachal Pradesh.

5.    The Director, Information & Public Relations, H.P., Shimla-2.

6.    All Deputy Commissioners in Himachal Pradesh.

7.    All District Public Relations Officers in Himachal Pradesh.

8.    The Controller, Printing and Stationery, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-5. He is requested to publish the aforesaid rules in the Gazette and send a copy of the same to this Department.

9.    The Under Secretary (Finance) to the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2 w.r.t. his U.O. No. FIN ©-15-15/2010-53479421 and 53596437 dated 28-01-2016 and 24-05-2016 for information please.

10. Guard file.


(Pramod Singh Chauhan)

Under Secretary (I&PR) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh.


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