Patrakar Kalyan Yojna

Government of Himachal Pradesh

Department of Information and Public Relations

No. Pub-A(4)-2/2002   Shimla-2  Dated 24th March, 2017



The Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to make the Scheme for Constitution and Administration of the Himachal Pradesh Patrakar Kalyan Yojna, 2017 by abolishing the Himachal Pradesh Journalists Welfare Fund Scheme, 2006  as under:-

1.     Short title and Commencement. - (i) This Scheme shall be called the Himachal Pradesh Patrakar Kalyan Yojna, 2017.

(ii) It shall come into force with effect from the date of its publication in the Rajptra of Himachal Pradesh or e-Gazette.

2. Definitions:-

(a)    “Adverse Situation” means unfavorable or critical situation due to ill health and major accidents etc.

(b)   “Committee” means the Committee constituted for the purpose of administration of the Yojna as provided in the point no. 4;

(c)   “Director” means the Director of Information and Public Relations Department, Himachal Pradesh;

(d)   “Government” means the Government of Himachal Pradesh;

(e)   “Patrakar Kalyan Fund” means a fund created with the amount of Rs. 1,00,00,000/- (Rupees One Crore) only and amount accumulated in old Himachal Pradesh Journalists Welfare Fund Scheme, 2006 amounting to Rs. 31,85,018/- (Thirty one lakh eighty five thousand and eighteen) only for the purpose of providing financial assistance to serving accreditated journalists and retired accreditated journalists;

(f)    “Permanent incapacitation” means incapacitation which renders the serving accreditated journalist wholly unfit for working as such by an accident and suffering from incurable diseases;

(g)   “Retired Accreditated Journalist” means an accreditated journalist who had retired after rendering a minimum service of at least twenty years as accreditated journalist with the Government of Himachal Pradesh and had attained the age of fifty eight (58) years and has not taken up any other gainful employment after such retirement other than journalism;

(h)     “Serving Accreditated Journalist” means a working Journalist who has been given accreditation by the Government of Himachal Pradesh as per the provisions of Himachal Pradesh Press Correspondents Accreditation and Recognition Rules.

3. Purpose of the Yojna:- The purpose of the Yojna shall be to provide financial assistance to the serving accreditated journalists and retired accreditated journalists in adverse situations as accidents and illness etc.

4. Constitution and Administration of the Yojna:- (i) The Yojna will be administered by the    Government and will be operated by the Committee comprising of the following:-

 (a) Hon’ble Minister-in-Charge of the Information and Public Relations,             Chairman

      Himachal Pradesh.

(b) The Administrative Secretary of Information and Public Relations                Member                                   to the Government of Himachal Pradesh.

(c) The Finance Secretary or his representative not below the rank of                 Member

     Deputy Secretary to the Government of Himachal Pradesh

(d) The Director (I&PR), Himachal Pradesh                                                       Member Secretary

5. The Committee shall discharge the following functions, namely:-

 To decide, approve and sanction a lump sum grant as financial assistance to the serving accreditated journalists and retired accreditated journalists or their dependents/legal heirs in adverse situations viz. death, illness, major accident etc. of the serving accreditated journalist and retired accreditated journalist and permanent incapacitation of the serving accreditated journalist.

6. Assistance in Adverse Situations:- In emergent cases, the Director, Information and Public Relations, Himachal Pradesh would be the authority to grant financial assistance of Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty five thousand) only from fund of the Yojna as an immediate financial assistance to serving accreditated journalists and retired accreditated journalists or their dependents/legal heirs on production of documentary proof regarding death certificate, illness or accident etc. and subsequently its ex-post-facto approval would be obtained from the Committee.

7.  Criteria for financial assistance to serving accreditated journalists and retired accreditated

      journalists from the H.P. Patrakar Kalyan Yojna, 2017:-


(a) Financial assistance to serving accreditated journalist:-

(i) in case of permanent incapacitation for

       further service while performing field

      duties as journalist                                                     Rs. 1 lakh (Rupees one lakh) only.

(ii) in case of death while performing field Duties              Rs. 2 lakh (Rupees two lakh) only.

(iii) in case of death during attack or

      any untoward incidence of violence                            Rs. 3 lakh (Rupees three lakh) only.

(iv) in case of medical emergency or cancer,                     upto Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand) only

                                                                                      as per emergent need for major disease as kidney

                                                                                    transplant, heart disease etc.

(b) Financial assistance to retired accreditated journalist,-

(i)  in case of death                                                          Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand) only.

(ii) in case of medical emergency or cancer,                      upto Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand) only

                                                                                      as per emergent need for major disease as kidney

                                                                                    transplant, heart disease etc.


8. Patrakar Kalyan Fund:- (i) Patrakar Kalyan Fund shall be created with a sum of Rs.1,00,00,000/- (Rupees One Crore) only as approved by the Government which shall be kept in a nationalized bank in a separate bank account, which will be maintained by the Director (I&PR); and funds accumulated in old Himachal Pradesh Journalists Welfare Fund Scheme amounting to Rs. 31,85,018/- (Rupees Thirty one lakh eighty five thousand and eighteen) only will now be placed in Patrakar Kalyan Fund.

(ii) The amount available in the fund shall be drawn by the Director, Information and Public Relations, Himachal Pradesh only to grant financial assistance to serving accreditated journalists and retired accreditated journalists or their dependents/legal heirs (in case of death).

9. Eligibility for availing financial assistance from the Patrakar Kalyan Fund:- The serving accreditated journalist or retired accreditated journalist beneficiary or their dependent/legal heir shall be eligible for availing assistance from the fund,

(a) in the event of death of a serving accreditated journalist or retired accreditated journalist, financial assistance will be released in favour of the surviving spouse, his/her dependent, children or legal heir as the case may be or in the event of unmarried or single serving accreditated journalist or retired accreditated journalist, the financial assistance will be released in favour of his or her dependent father or mother as an immediate relief;

Provided that while considering the request for financial assistance, the Committee shall take into consideration the financial condition of the applicant(s) and also take into consideration supporting document or other evidence which should be called for before sanction or recommendation of the financial assistance.

(b) In the event of medical emergency or any other adverse situation, assistance will be released to serving accreditated journalists and retired accreditated journalists as the case may be, on need basis after taking approval of committee for the same. In this case serving accreditated journalist or retired accreditated journalist will be required to produce relevant documents in support with claims;

Provided that serving accreditated journalist or retired accreditated journalist while availing medical assistance or claim form the Patrakar Kalyan Fund shall have to submit an undertaking that he or she had not claimed it from his or her media organization and a certificate in this respect may be taken from the employer of his or her media organization that he or she had not taken medical benefits or claim from their respective media organization.

 (c) Since the old Himachal Pradesh Journalists Welfare Fund Scheme will be replaced by new H.P. Patrakar Kalyan Yojna, 2017 hence who are already subscribers of Himachal Pradesh Journalists Welfare Fund Scheme, 2006 will now be considered as member under this new Scheme.

(d) Serving accreditated journalists or retired accreditated journalists whose annual family income is less than Rs. 1, 80, 000/- (Rupees One lakh eighty thousand) only shall be eligible for availing assistance from H.P. Patrakar Kalyan Yojna. In this behalf serving accreditated journalists or retired accreditated journalists will have to submit annual family income certificate as certified by the competent Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar (Class-I)/Sub Divisonal Magistrate of the area with their application for availing financial assistance from the H.P. Patrakar Kalyan Yojna.

10. Procedure for application for availing financial assistance from the Yojna:-

(a) An application for financial assistance from the Yojna shall be made in the prescribed form-I attached with this Yojna. The State level serving accreditated journalist and retired accreditated journalist shall submit their application directly to the Director (I&PR). The District/Sub divisional level serving accreditated journalists or retired accreditated journalists shall submit the same through the concerned District Public Relations Officer of the District. The District Public Relations Officer along with his comments shall forward such applications completed in all respects to the Director (I&PR). The Director (I&PR) as a Member Secretary of the Yojna shall place the complete case before the Committee for approval and further action.

(b) On the recommendation of the Committee, amount of assistance would be sanctioned out of fund of the H.P. Patrakar Kalyan Yojna, 2017.

11. Annulments/revocation of assistance:- Financial assistance sanctioned under the Yojna shall be liable to be recovered at any time, with interest at prevailing rates, if it is found in future that the assistance was obtained on the basis of false information or by way of suppression or misrepresentation of facts.

12. Auditing of funds of the Yojna:- The accounts of the Yojna shall be maintained by the Director, (I&PR) in accordance with settled principles of accountancy and all payments from the Yojna shall be made by ‘Account payee’ cheque or through RTGS as the case may be. The account of Yojna shall be got audited from time to time from the Local Auditor by the Director (I&PR).

13. Powers of committee:- The Committee is empowered to make recommendations for necessary changes, amendments, modifications in the Yojna to remove any hardships faced in the implementation of the Yojna, keeping in view the basic objectives of the Yojna intact.

14. Power to amend the Yojna:- The Government of Himachal Pradesh shall be empowered to amend the Himachal Pradesh Patrakar Kalyan Yojna, 2017 as and when required as per recommendations of the Committee.

15. General:- Grant of financial assistance from the Yojna to any serving or retired accreditated journalist is not a matter of right. Assistance shall be extended depending on the committee’s satisfaction regarding the eligibility or merits of the cases and the financial resources available for the purpose. The committee reserves the right to reject or accept any application without assigning any reasons thereof.


By order

Chief Secretary (IPR) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh

Endst. no. Pub-A (4)-2/2002                                          Dated: Shimla-2                 24th March, 2017

Copy to:-

1.     All Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P.

2.     The Accountant General, H.P., Shimla.-3.

3.   All Heads of Department in H.P.

4.   All the Deputy Commissioners in H.P.

5.   Director, Information & Public Relations, H.P., Shimla-2.

6.  Deputy Controller, Printing & Stationary, H.P. Govt. Press, Shimla for publication in H.P.          Rajptra with the request to send two copies of the Rajptra to this Department.

7. All the District Public Relations Officers in H.P.



(Pramod Singh Chauhan)

Under Secretary (IPR) to the

  Government of Himachal Pradesh

















See point no. 10 (a)


Application Form for Financial Assistance to the Serving Accreditated Journalist or Retired Accreditated Journalist



The Director,

            Information and Public Relations Department,

            Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-171002.



Name of the applicant in full (in capital letters)






Father’s/Husband/Wife Name



Mother’s Name



Age and date of birth




Full address




Proof of Certificate (Aadhaar card/Voter ID card/PAN card/Ration card)




Annual family income certificate verified from the Tehsildar (Class-I)/Sub Divisonal Magistrate



Details of Dependents including self


Age/Date of Birth

Gender (M/F/O)

Relationship with beneficiary

Mobile No.



Bank Account number











































Name of Newspaper/News Agency/News Channel in/for which the applicant is/was accreditated



Nature of employment/engagement

(Regular employee/part-time employee/on contract/column basis/stringer/retired journalist etc.).



Is principal avocation that of a serving/retired accreditated journalist is/was working at the State/District/Sub Divisonal Level.



Amount of financial assistance sought



Purpose/Reason for financial assistance (attach documentary proof  regarding reasonability of assistance required thereof) (Permanent incapacitation/Death while performing duty/Death during attack or untoward incidence or medical emergency)



In case of Death, family’s dependence on the deceased serving/retired accreditated journalist:

(a)   Details regarding the service of the applicant as serving/retired accreditated journalist

(b)   The applicants relationship with the serving/retired accreditated journalist (whether widow/widower/son/unmarried daughter/father/mother/any other, specify)



Details of financial assistance received, if any, from:

(a) Prime Minister/Chief Minister Relief Fund Rs…………

(b) From employer, from media organization/association etc. Rs…………

(c) Any other source Rs………….




I hereby certify that:

(a) My income from all sources is Rs………….. per annum.

(b) All the above particulars furnished by me are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing has been concealed which is relevant under this Scheme for financial assistance.

(c) I, undertake to refund the assistance if sanctioned and received, if it is found at any time that the assistance was obtained on the basis of information known to be false or by way of suppression or misrepresentation of true facts along with the interest at the prevailing interest rates applicable in nationalized banks.



Place: ……………………..


Date: ………………………



Government of Himachal Pradesh

Information and Public Relations Department


No. Pub-A(4)-2/2002                          Dated Shimla-171002 the                                 31st July, 2018




                        In partial modification of this department Notification of even number dated 24th March, 2017, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to amend the Himachal Pradesh Patrakar Kalyan Yojna, 2017 as under:-


Amendment in para 7

Existing sub-para (a)(i), (ii),(iv) and b(ii) of para 7 shall be substituted as under:-

 a (i):-  "in case of permanent incapacitation"                 ₹ 1 lakh

                                                                    (Rupees one lakh only)


a (ii):-  "in case of death"                                                  ₹ 2 lakhs

                                                                   (Rupees two lakhs only)


a (iv):-  " in case of medical emergency"                  upto ₹ 2.5 lakh  

                                                                    (Rupees two lakh fifty thousand)             

                                                                    only as per emergent need for

                                                                   major disease as kidney transplant,

                                                                   heart disease, cancer etc.


b (ii):- "in case of medical emergency"                 upto ₹ 2.5 lakh  

                                                                   (Rupees two lakh fifty thousand)              

                                                                  only as per emergent need for

                                                                  major disease as kidney transplant,

                                                                  heart disease, cancer etc.

Amendment in para 9

In proviso of sub para 9 (b) the spellings of word “form” after the word claim and before the Patrakar Kalyan Fund shall be substituted with the word “from”.


Sub para 9 (d) shall be deleted.


Amendment in para 10

Existing sub-para 10 (a) shall be substituted as under:-

"An application for financial assistance from the Yojna shall be made in the prescribed form-I attached with this Yojna. The State level serving accreditated journalist and retired accreditated journalist or their dependents/legal heirs, as the case may be, shall submit their application directly to the Director (I&PR). The District/Sub divisional level serving accreditated journalists and retired accreditated journalists or their legal heirs, as the case may be, shall submit the same through the concerned District Public Relations Officer of the District. The District Public Relations Officer along with his comments shall forward such applications completed in all respects to the Director (I&PR). The Director (I&PR) as a Member Secretary of the Yojna shall place the complete case before the Committee for approval and further action."




Application Form For Financial Assistance to the Serving Accreditated Journalists or Retired Accreditated Journalists

Amendment in Column 7

 Column No.7 shall be deleted

Amendment in Column 13

Existing column no. 13 shall be substituted as under:-

"Purpose/Reason for financial assistance (attach documentary proof regarding reasonability of assistance required thereof)(Permanent incapacitation/Death/ Death during attack or untoward incidence/medical emergency)."


                These amendments shall come into force from the date of publication in Rajpatra, Himachal Pradesh/eGazette.

                 By Order


                                                                                             (Shrikant Baldi)

     Addl. Chief Secretary (IPR) to the

   Government of Himachal Pradesh


Endst. No. Pub-A (4)-2/2002                 Dated: Shimla-2                                    31st July, 2018

Copy to:-

1. The Secretary to Governor, H.P., Shimla-171002.

2. All Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P.

3. Media Advisor to the Chief Minister, H.P.

4. The Accountant General, H.P., Shimla.-3.

5. All Heads of Department in H.P.

6. All the Deputy Commissioners in H.P.

7. Director, Information & Public Relations, H.P., Shimla-2

8. Under Secretary (GAD) to the Govt. of H.P. in compliance to Item No.9 of Cabinet meeting

    held on 24-07-2018.

9.  All the District Public Relations Officers in H.P.




                                                                                                      (Pradeep Sharma)

                                                                                                Under Secretary (IPR) to the

                                                                                               Government of Himachal Pradesh




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