Accreditation & Recognition Rules
No.Pub.A (3)-1/2015 Dated 16.2.2016



In supersession of this department Notification No. Pub-A-(3)-1/2002, dated 18.9.2002, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to make the following rules for the accreditation and recognition of Press correspondents in Himachal Pradesh.

1. Short title and Commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Himachal Pradesh Press correspondents Accreditation and Recognition Rules, 2016.

(2) These rules shall come into force with effect from the date of their publication in the Rajptra, Himachal Pradesh or e-Gazette.

2. Definitions.-

In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a) "Accredited Correspondent" means a correspondent who has been granted accreditation in accordance with the procedure specified by these rules;

(b) "Director" means the Director of Information and Public Relations Department Himachal Pradesh;

(c) "Editor" means a person who is declared as Editor under the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867;

(d)  "Government" means the Government of Himachal Pradesh;

(e) “Leading Daily Newspaper” means a daily newspaper having circulation more than 60,000 copies as per the Registrar of Newspaper for India (RNI)/Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) of India/Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP), Government of India; out of which 10,000 copies circulation shall be in Himachal Pradesh, newspaper concerned shall be published daily and without days break between one edition and another and shall have completed atleast one year of its regular publication. Provided that the Press correspondents of the leading daily newspaper published from Delhi, Jalandhar, Chandigarh and Himachal Pradesh shall be eligible for accreditation/recognition; combined circulation of the leading daily newspaper published from more than one centre shall be taken into account; each leading daily newspaper, irrespective of the number of places it is published from, shall be considered as one newspaper only;


 (f) "News Agency" means an agency for collection and dissemination of news on All India basis at National or International level through their own teleprinter/scanner/or any other electronic network. While considering an application of a correspondent of a news agency, due weightage to the following matters in regard to the news agency in question shall be given: - (a) Nature, standing and type of news agency. (b) Method of distribution of its service; and (c) Centers of Newspapers served by the news agencies. Accreditation shall be restricted to the press correspondents of news/feature agencies of atleast two years standing and news agency shall have annual revenue above Rs. one crore. The press correspondents of news agencies having annual revenue more than Rs. Five lakh and less than Rs. One crore may be considered for recognition. The press correspondents of Electronic News Agencies shall be considered for accreditation provided that the agency has sufficient network, standing and other conditions like Contribution towards Provident Fund etc. are satisfied. The eligibility shall be on the following conditions: (a) A minimum annual revenue of Rs. Twenty five lakh from news clips etc. (b) Should supply news clips to atleast five subscribing satellite Television (TV)/Radio organizations on regular basis. The press correspondents of electronic news agencies having annual revenue more than Rs. Five lakh and less than Rs. Twenty five lakh may be considered for recognition;

 (g) "Other Daily Newspaper" means a daily newspaper having circulation more than 25,000 copies as per Registrar of Newspaper for India (RNI)/Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) of India/Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP), Government of India; out of which 3,000 copies circulation shall be in Himachal Pradesh as certified by the Director (I&PR) and shall have completed atleast one years of its regular publication. In case the daily newspaper is of national importance, the Press Accreditation Committee may consider and waive off the condition regarding circulation in Himachal Pradesh. In case of small daily newspapers, their combined circulation may be taken into consideration, if request is made for accreditation for a common correspondent or a correspondent himself seeks accreditation jointly on their behalf. Provided that the Press correspondents of the other daily newspaper published from Delhi, Jalandhar, Chandigarh and Himachal Pradesh shall be eligible for accreditation/recognition; combined circulation of the other daily newspaper published from more than one centre shall be taken into account; each other daily newspaper, irrespective of the number of places it is published from, shall be considered as one newspaper only;

(h) “Other Television (TV) News Channels/Stations” shall include National Level Electronic/Satellite Television News Channel which telecast news, news related programme 24 hours in a day and covering Himachal Pradesh also. This shall also include the Television/Radio News Producing Organizations having air time arrangements with Channels/Stations having atleast one news bulletin/programme of minimum 15 minutes duration per day; satellite news channels dedicating 15 % of its air time (i.e. atleast 3.5 hours of its in a day 24 hours cycle) to telecast/transmission of news and news related programme per day; news magazine producing organizations having telecast/broadcast tie-up with television channels/stations and telecast/broadcast a minimum total cumulative programme duration of 60 minutes per week on news and news related contents;  Doordarshan Kendra, Shimla and All India Radio, Shimla or any other electronic medium of news dissemination;

(i) "Press Accreditation Committee" means a committee set up by the Government under rule 8 of these rules;

(j) "Press Correspondent" means a correspondent as defined in the Working Journalists (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1955, whose principal avocation is that of a Journalism and who is employed by a newspaper/news agency/television news channel/station either whole-time or part-time. This shall include an editor, writer, news editor, sub editor, feature-writer, reporter, correspondent, contractual Journalist, stringer, news photographer/photo journalist/cameraman, retainer, column basis, associate and representative etc. duly authorized by the Editor of newspaper or news agency and Director/Manager-Human Resource/Editor of the televisions news channel/station. This shall also include an Editor in case of weekly newspaper;

(k) "Recognized Correspondent" means a correspondent who has been granted recognition in accordance with the procedure specified by the rules;

(l) “Television (TV) News Channel” means a television news channels having its setup as well as its studio of requisite standards in the State and dedicating maximum of its air time for telecast/transmission of news and news related programme based on Himachal Pradesh and other neighbouring States; and

(m) “Weekly Newspaper” means a weekly newspaper published from within the State of Himachal Pradesh. Provided that weekly shall be published without any break between one edition and other and shall have circulation not less than 5,000 copies as per Registrar of Newspaper for India (RNI)/Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) of India/Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP), Government of India/District Magistrate of the District from where the weekly is being published. The weekly newspaper having completed at least one year of its regular publication shall be considered for District Level Accreditation to its Editor under these rules from where the weekly newspaper is being published. The State Level Accreditation to the Editor of weekly newspaper published from within the State of Himachal Pradesh shall be considered provided it has more than five years of regular publication and Editor is also accredited at District level continuously for more than five years without any break. Provided that journalism is whole time profession of the Editor of weekly newspaper. The weekly newspaper published from within the State of Himachal Pradesh, having circulation above 2,000 copies and less than 5,000 copies shall be considered for District level Recognition to its Editor from where the weekly newspaper is being published;

3. Grant of State Level Accreditation/Recognition.- (1) The Editor or Resident Editor, whose name has been printed on the print line of a reputed and well established National/Regional daily newspapers including Editor/Resident Editor of news agencies and television news channels posted in Himachal Pradesh and having his/her residence in Himachal Pradesh shall be given accreditation at State Level; irrespective of accreditation to their press correspondents.      

(2) Apart from sub rule (1) of these rules, the News Editor of a leading daily newspaper posted in Himachal Pradesh and having his/her residence in Himachal Pradesh shall be given accreditation at State Level.

(3)The Press Accreditation and Recognition to press correspondents shall be given as under:-

(i) State Level Accreditation (leading daily newspaper)

(a)  Two press correspondents.

(b) One photographer.

(ii) State Level Recognition (leading daily newspaper)

(a) One correspondent.

(b)   One photographer.

(iii) State Level Accreditation (other daily newspaper)

(a) Two press correspondents/photographer.

(iv) State Level Recognition (other daily newspaper)

(a) One correspondent/photographer.

(v) State Level Accreditation (weekly newspaper)

(a) One only to Editor of weekly newspaper.

(vi) State Level Recognition (weekly newspaper)

(a)  One only to Editor of weekly newspaper.

(vii) State Level Accreditation (news agency)

(a) Two press correspondents.

(b) One photographer/cameraman.

(viii) State Level Recognition (news agency)

(a) One correspondent/photographer/cameraman.

(ix) State Level Accreditation (International news agency)

(a) One correspondent/photographer/cameraman of International news agency posted anywhere in Himachal Pradesh and having his/her residence in Himachal Pradesh shall be given accreditation at State Level.

(x) State Level Accreditation (Doordarshan and All India Radio, Shimla)

(a) Two press correspondents.

(xi) State Level Recognition (Doordarshan and All India Radio, Shimla)

(a) Two cameramen.

(xii) State Level Accreditation (television news channels having its studio in the State)

 (a) Two Press correspondents.

(xiii) State Level Recognition (television news channels having its studio in the State) (a) Two cameramen.

(xiv) State Level Accreditation (other television news channels)

(a) One correspondent.

(xv) State Level Recognition (other television news channels)

 (a) One cameraman.

(xvi) State Level Recognition (cable television network)

(a) Four press correspondents/cameramen.

4. Grant of District Level Accreditation/Recognition.

(i) District Level Accreditation (leading daily newspaper)

(a)      One correspondent.

(b)    One photographer.

(ii) District Level Recognition (leading daily newspaper)

(a) One correspondent/photographer.

(iii) District Level Accreditation (other daily newspaper)

 (a) One correspondent/photographer.

(iv) District Level Recognition (other daily newspaper)

(a) One correspondent/photographer.

(v) District Level Accreditation (weekly newspaper)

(a) One only to Editor of weekly newspaper.

(vi) District Level Recognition (weekly newspaper)

(a) One only to Editor of weekly newspaper.

(vii) District Level Accreditation (news agency)

(a) One correspondent/photographer/cameraman.

(viii) District Level Recognition (news agency)

(a) One correspondent/photographer/cameraman.

(ix) District Level Accreditation (Doordarshan and All India Radio, Shimla)

(a) One correspondent/cameraman.

(x) District Level Recognition (Doordarshan and All India Radio, Shimla)

(a) One correspondent/cameraman.

(xi) District Level Accreditation (television news channel having its studio in the State)

(a) Two press correspondents/cameraman.

(xii) District Level Recognition (television news channel having its studio in the State)

(a) One correspondent/cameraman.

(xiii) District Level Accreditation (other television news channels)

(a) One correspondent.

(xiv) District Level Recognition (other television news channels)

(a) One cameraman.

(xiv) District Level Recognition (cable television network)

(a) Two press correspondents/cameraman.

5. Grant of Sub Divisional Level Accreditation/Recognition.

(i) Sub Divisional Level Accreditation (leading daily newspaper)

(a) One correspondent including those Sub Division whose Headquarter is at District Headquarter.

(b) One photographer.

(ii) Sub Divisional Level Recognition (leading daily newspaper)

(a)    One correspondent/photographer.

(iii) Sub Divisional Level Accreditation (other daily newspaper)

(a)    One correspondent/photographer including those Sub Division whose Headquarter is at District Headquarter.

(iv)   Sub Divisional Level Recognition (other daily newspaper)

(a)    One correspondent/photographer.

(v)  Sub Divisional Level Accreditation (television news channel having its studio in the State)

(a)  One correspondent/cameraman including those Sub Division whose Headquarter is at District Headquarter.

(vi) Sub Divisional Level Recognition (television news channel having its studio in the State)

 (a)  One correspondent/cameraman.

(vii) Sub Divisonal Level Accreditation (other television news channels)

(a)    One correspondent/cameraman including those Sub Division whose Headquarter is at District Headquarter.

(viii) Sub Divisonal Level Recognition (other television news channels)

(a)    One correspondent/cameraman.

(ix) Sub Divisional Level Recognition (cable television network)

(a)  One correspondent/cameraman.

6. Procedure for Application for Accreditation/Recognition. - (1) A Press Correspondent shall apply in the form-I attached to these rules alongwith two recent photographs.

(2) The application shall be made through the Editor of newspaper/news agency and Director/Manager Human Resource/Editor of electronic television news channel/station, of which he/she is an employee, to the Director in case of accreditation/recognition at the State level and through the District Public Relations Officer of the District and Sub division concerned in case of accreditation/recognition at District and Sub divisional level.

(3) The District Public Relations Officer shall forward the application to the Director with his comments. The District Public Relations Officer shall be competent to withhold an incomplete application and shall forward the same to the Director when the same is complete in all respects.

(4) The Director shall place all the complete applications before the Press Accreditation Committee alongwith his comments for decision.

7. Condition for Accreditation/Recognition.-The Press Correspondent of a newspaper/news agency/electronic television news channel/station shall fulfill the following condition for getting accreditation/recognition:-

(a) his residence shall be at the headquarter of the State or the headquarter of the District or Sub-Division for which he seeks accreditation/recognition;

(b) he shall be a working Journalist as defined by the Working Journalists (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1955 and shall be engaged as a whole time press correspondent/contractual journalist as defined in these rules for grant of accreditation at the State level or be a whole time/ part time press correspondent/contractual journalist/stringer/press-photographer/cameraman/column-basis/associate/representative and be at least in receipt of retainership as specified by the Wage Board for grant of accreditation at the District/Sub divisional level;

 (c) the press correspondent of a newspaper/news agency shall be drawing the wages in the category of his newspaper and news agency as per the wage board recommendations for working journalists and the relevant notification of the Ministry of Labour, Government of India. For this a certificate from the employer shall be attached along with the application;

(d) at the time of application, the press correspondent shall have spent not less than three consecutive years in the profession of journalism and shall possess a sufficient experience;

(e) a Press Correspondent shall not have been convicted by any Competent Court of Law  for any offence involving moral turpitude or criminal activity during his profession. For this, press correspondent shall submit a self certified declaration in form-II attached with these rules. Further if Director (I&PR) consider necessary, the character/antecedent’s verification of the press correspondent may also be done through concerned District Magistrate or Superintendent of Police; and

(f) no accreditation/recognition shall be given for District level at State headquarter.

8. Press Accreditation Committee.

 The Government may constitute a Press Accreditation Committee to which all matters relating to the accreditation or recognition of Press correspondents shall be referred and its decision shall be final. The Press Accreditation Committee shall be constituted for a period of three years and shall meet as often as required, if possible once in a year. The Press Accreditation Committee shall discharge the following functions, namely:-

(a) The Press Accreditation Committee shall consists of Administrative Secretary of Information and Public Relations Department of Himachal Pradesh Government, as Chairperson; the Director (I&PR) as Member Secretary and members representing associations/organizations of working journalist/eminent media persons; or

(b)  grant of accreditation or recognition to press correspondents; or

(c) regularization of provisional accreditation or recognition given by the Director (I&PR) to press correspondents; or

(d)   confirmation of existing regular accreditation or recognition of press correspondents.

(e) disaccreditation or derecognition of accreditation/recognition of press correspondents.

(f)     confirmation of accreditation or recognition withdrawn by the Director (I&PR); and

(g)  to decide all the other matter related to accreditation or recognition of press correspondents.

9. Two Type of Cards.- There shall be two types of cards in different colours one denoting 'accredited' and the other denoting 'recognized'. The accreditation/recognition cards shall be given to only those press correspondents who fulfill the conditions as laid down in these rules.

10. Facilities available to the Recognized correspondent.- Recognized correspondent shall not be entitled to any facility except entry into the office of the Government, semi- government organizations only by invitation.

11. Disaccreditation or Derecognition of Correspondent.

(1) a correspondent shall be liable to be disaccredited/derecognized if,-

(a) he commits any offence under the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867; or

(b) he uses information received and facilities accorded to him for a non-journalistic or illegal purposes; or

(c) in the course of his duties as correspondent, he behaves in an undignified or unprofessional manner or commits an offence involving moral turpitude; or

(d) he engages himself in work other than journalistic such as soliciting business or advertisements for a newspaper/news agency/television news channel/station; and

(e) he is convicted by a competent Court of Law for defamation or any other criminal offence arising out of his writings/coverage;

(2) the power to disaccreditate or derecognize correspondent shall vest in the Press Accreditation Committee and same shall be exercised judiciously. Provided that the Director (I&PR) shall be competent to order the suspension of accreditation or recognition of press correspondent in case of an emergency and in case of a grave misconduct on the part of a press correspondent, if a press correspondent is found engaged in planted news which is not in public interest and individual attack with malafied intension, pending the completion of proceedings before the Press Accreditation Committee in its next meeting;

 (3) an accreditation/recognition of a press correspondent may also be suspended at discretion of the State Government. However, such case shall be placed before the Press Accreditation Committee in its next meeting for due consideration and further action.

(4) a correspondent aggrieved by an order passed by the Press Accreditation Committee under this rule may prefer a review petition before the Press Accreditation Committee within fifteen (15) days of the passing of such order.

12. Withdrawal of Accreditation or Recognition. - When an accredited or recognized press correspondent ceases to represent a newspaper, news agency or television news channel/station on behalf of which he was accredited or recognized, the fact shall be brought to the notice of the Director in writing by the correspondent as well as the Editor/Director/Manager concerned within fifteen (15) days. The Director may also withdraw the accreditation or recognition suo-motu if he receives information to the same effect from any source. Such an order, however, shall be placed before the Press Accreditation Committee in its next meeting for information and confirmation.

13. Periodical Review of Accredited or Recognized Press correspondents List.- The list of accredited/recognized press correspondents shall be reviewed periodically, preferably once in a year.

14. Accreditation or Recognition shall be personal.- Accreditation or recognition shall be personal and non-transferable and given as facility and shall not be claimed as a matter of right. It does not confer on him any official status as press correspondent. The Government merely recognizes that the accredited or recognized press correspondents represents the newspaper or news agency or electronic media which employees him. Press correspondents shall not possess letter-heads and visiting cards with the words "Accredited /Recognized” by the Government of Himachal Pradesh.

15. Authority Competent to issue cards.- Press Accreditation/Recognition card shall be issued to each accredited or recognized press correspondent. The admission to any function will be governed by invitations. The card shall be issued under the signature of the Director (I&PR).

16. Grant of Provisional Accreditation/ Recognition.- If a correspondent fulfills all the condition enumerated in these rules for the grant of accreditation or recognition as the case may be, the Director of Information & Public Relations may grant provisional accreditation/recognition to him which shall be valid till the next meeting of the Press Accreditation Committee pending decision of the Press Accreditation Committee on the application for grant of accreditation/recognition.

17. Renewal of Accreditation/Recognition Cards.- The Accreditation/Recognition cards shall be issued for a period of one year or such shorter period as issuing authority may deemed fit and shall be renewed from time to time. The maximum period of renewal shall be one year. The card shall become invalid if the press correspondent ceases to be an employee of the newspaper/news agency/electronic news channel concerned and he shall immediately surrender the card to the issuing authority:

Provided that Editor of weekly newspapers shall submit the copies (i.e. editions) of last one year published weekly newspaper at the time of renewal of their accreditation/recognition card:

Provided further that issuing authority or State Government shall have the power not to renew the accreditation or recognition of press correspondent including Editor of weekly newspaper, in case his/her working in the field of journalism is not found satisfactory. However such case shall be placed before the Press Accreditation Committee in its next meeting for further action.

18. Issue of Temporary Identity Card.- A Press correspondent who is neither accredited nor recognized may be issued temporary identity card with validity not exceeding one week to cover a particular event or function. These cards shall be issued by the Director (I&PR) at State level and the District Public Relations Officer at District or Sub divisional level.

19. Veteran Journalists.- Veteran journalist who are above seventy (70) years of age and have done exceptional contribution in the field of journalism may be given special recognition and issued a card as a Veteran Journalist. The card shall be valid for life of the journalist provided he continues to have his permanent residence in the State of Himachal Pradesh. A new card with new photograph may be issued to such veteran journalists on request. For Veteran Journalists, present employment with any newspaper/news agency or electronic media shall not be necessary.

20. Relaxation of Rules.- The Government may, if it considers necessary, proper or expedient to do so, may relax any of the provisions of these rules. However, such case shall be placed before the Himachal Pradesh Press Accreditation Committee in its next meeting for further action.

21. Repeal and Savings. - (1) The Himachal Pradesh Press correspondents Accreditation and Recognition Rules, 2002, is hereby repealed.

Notwithstanding such repeal any action taken or anything under the rules so repealed shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the corresponding provisions of these rules.

By Order



Additional Chief Secretary (IPR) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh



Endst. No: - Pub-A (3)-1/2015-                Dated: - Shimla-2, the               16th  February, 2016       

Copy to: -

1. All Administrative Secretaries to the Government of Himachal Pradesh.

2. All Heads of Department in H. P.

3. All the Deputy Commissioners in H.P.

4. The Deputy Controller, Printing & Stationary, H.P. Govt. Press, Shimla–171005 for favour of Publication in Rajpatra. Two copies of the Rajpatra may be sent to this department.

5. The Director, I & PR, H.P. Shimla – 171002.

6. All the District Public Relations officers in HP.

7. Accountant General, H.P. and Chandigarh.

8. Guard file.


Deputy Secretary (IPR) to the

Government of Himachal Pradesh.





















See Form-I on next page









See rule 6 (1)



Full Name (In block letters)



Father’s Name (In block letters)



Date and Place of Birth



Permanent Home Address



Residential Address



Since when residing at State/District/Sub-divisional Hqrs.



Accreditation/Recognition sought on behalf of



Is Principal avocation that of a Press correspondent working at the State/ District/ Sub-division Hqrs.



Are you engaged in any other work? Give details, if so.



Are you employed whole time correspondent/ Stringer/ Part time of Newspaper/ News agency/ All India Radio/ Doordarshan/Electronic channel etc.



Emoluments being drawn



Educational and other qualifications




Name of Media Organization where salaried posts were held

Post held

Wages/ benefits

Period of service (Specify dates)










Any other Experience



Detail regarding services under Central/State Govt./Semi Govt. Deptt./Organization and date of leaving Govt. Service with reasons.



Places of stay during the last three years



Correspondence Address




Mobile Number:-

Telephone Number-Office & Residence:-




Circulation of the Newspaper



Type of News/ features agency. Method of distribution of the services. Number of newspaper served regularly on commercial basis, if necessary attach separate sheet.





Signature of Press Correspondent

21.Certified that the applicant correspondent is drawing minimum wages/is in receipt of the retainership prescribed under the wages board recommendations for working Journalists and the relevant notification issued by the Ministry of labour Govt. of India (attach Provident Fund number also).

22.      Certified that the applicant correspondent is working regularly with us for the last ………….. year/years on payment basis and has drawn the wages and benefits from us year wise.



                                                                                                            Signature and Seal of Editor of newspaper/news agency or

                                                                                    Director/Editor/Manager-Human Resource of television channel/station.


Note: Application for District/Sub-division level accreditation/recognition should be sent through concerned District Public Relations Officer.

continue on next page



Name & Address of the Newspaper Established





Types of Establishment Proprietary/ Partnership/ Pvt. Ltd./ Public trust/Co-op./Others:



Date of Establishment



No. of Paper published




(attach documented proof)

Name of the Newspaper along with date of commencement

Language in which  published



Price per copy
















Circulation of Weekly newspaper as per RNI/ABC/DAVP/District Magistrate:-



Please furnish following information of your publication:-


Name of the Paper



Size of the Paper:

Length & Breadth- Cms.



Average No. of copies printed per publishing edition



Total No. of copies printed for the year.



Average No. of papers per editions:-

(i)                   normal issues:

(ii)                 supplement



Average No. of paid copies per edition sold



Average No. of Complementary copies distributed



Total no of copies of the year




Mode of distribution



Trade terms allowed to distribution:





Seal and Signature of Editor

Note: - 1. Give name and address of agents and subscribers of weekly newspaper.

2. Application for District level accreditation/recognition should be sent through concerned District Public Relations Officer.  

See Form-II on next page




 See rule 7(e)

                                    Self Certified Declaration


I, …………………………… aged about ……..years, son/daughter of ………………………Resident of……........................................................................... Tehsil...................................., District........................................., Himachal Pradesh do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as under:-

1.   That I am resident of above mentioned address.

2.   That I am working as...................................... for ................................... from ....................................... and filing news and news stories to my respective media organization.

3.   That I am not a dismissed employee from any Govt. /Semi Govt. Deptt./ Organization and have not been convicted for any offence involving moral turpitude.

4.   That I am not involved in any court case, police case, civil case or any other offence pending against in any competent Court of Law as well as police station anywhere in India and I have good moral character.



Signature of applicant


I, the above named applicant do hereby verify that the contents of my above mentioned self certified declaration are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein.

Verified at ………….. on dated …………


Signature of applicant



Government of Himachal Pradesh

Information and Public Relations Department


No.Pub-A(3)-6/2018         Dated Shimla-171002 the                         19 September, 2018




                   In partial modification of this department Notification No. Pub-A(3)-1/2015 dated 16th February, 2016 the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to make the following rules further to amend the Himachal Pradesh Press Correspondents Accreditation and Recognition Rules, 2016, published in Rajpatra, Himachal Pradesh on 29.02.2016 for the accreditation and recognition of Press Correspondents in Himachal Pradesh, namely:-

Short title and Commencement.              1. (1)  These rules may be called the Himachal Pradesh Press correspondents Accreditation and Recognition Rules (First Amendment), 2018.

    (2)  These rules shall come into force with effect from the date of their publication in the Rajptra (e-Gazette) Himachal Pradesh.


Amendment of para 2.                         2 In para 2 of the Himachal Pradesh Press Correspondents Accreditation and Recognition Rules, 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules);

                                                       (i) for clause (j), the following shall be substituted, namely:-

                                                       "(J) "Press Correspondent" means a correspondent as defined in the Working Journalists (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1955, whose principal avocation is that of a Journalism and who is employed by a newspaper/national weekly news magazine/news agency/ television news channel/station either whole-time or part-time. This shall include an editor, writer, news editor, sub editor, feature-writer, reporter, correspondent, contractual Journalist, stringer, news photographer/photo journalist, news cameraman, retainer, column basis, associate and representative etc. duly authorized by the Editor of newspaper or national weekly news magazine or news agency and Director/Manager-Human Resource/Editor of the televisions news channel/station. This shall also include an Editor in case of weekly newspaper;"



                                                       (ii) after clause (m), the following new clause (n) shall be added, namely:-

                                                        "(n) "National weekly news magazine" means a national weekly news magazine published in Hindi or English having circulation of more than 40,000 copies throughout the country as per Registrar of Newspaper for India (RNI)/Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC), Government of India and shall have minimum 40 pages per publishing day and should have completed 15 years of regular publication without any break. Provided that press correspondent/photographer of news magazines published from Delhi region (Delhi region for this purpose means entire Delhi and immediate adjoining areas of other States surrounding Delhi) shall be eligible for accreditation/recognition irrespective of number of places it is published from shall be considered as one magazine only."


Amendment of para 3                          3. In sub para (3) of para 3 of the said rules;

                                                       (i) for clause (x), the following shall be substituted, namely:-

                                                       "(x) State Level Accreditation (Doordarshan and All India Radio, Shimla)

(a) Two press correspondents.

                                                       (b) One cameraman."

(ii) for clause (xi) the following shall be substituted, namely:-

"(xi) State Level Recognition (Doordarshan and All India Radio, Shimla)

  1. One correspondent.
  2. One cameraman"

(iii) for clause (xii) the following shall be substituted, namely:-

"(xii) State Level Accreditation (television news channels having its studio in the State)

  1. Two correspondents.
  2. One cameraman."

(iv) for clause (xiii) the following shall be substituted, namely:-

"(xiii) State Level Recognition (television news channels having its studio in the State)

  1. One correspondent.
  2. One cameraman."



(v) for clause (xiv) the following shall be substituted, namely:-

"(xiv) State Level Accreditation (other television news channels)

  1. One correspondent.
  2. One cameraman."

 (vi) for clause (xv) the following shall be substituted, namely:-

"(xv) State Level Recognition (other television news channels)

(a) One correspondent/cameraman."

(vii) after clause  (xvi), the following new clause (xvii) shall be added, namely:-

"(xvii) State Level Accreditation (National weekly     news magazine).

(a) One correspondent/photographer."

(viii) after clause (xvii), the following new clause (xviii) shall be added, namely:-

 "(xviii) State Level Recognition (National weekly news magazine.

(a) One correspondent/photographer."


Amendment of para 6                          4. In para 6 of the said rules for clause (2) the following shall be substituted, namely:-

                                                       "(2) The application shall be made through the Editor of newspaper/national weekly news magazine/news agency and Director/Manager Human Resource/Editor of electronic television news channel/station, of which he/she is an employee, to the Director in case of accreditation/recognition at the State level and through the District Public Relations Officer of the District and Sub division concerned in case of accreditation/recognition at District and Sub divisional level."


Substitution of para 7                          5. For para 7 of the said rules the following shall be substituted, namely:-

                                                       "7 Condition for Accreditation/ Recognition:-The Press Correspondent of a newspaper/national weekly news magazine/news agency/ electronic television news channel/ station shall fulfill the




                                                       following condition for getting accreditation/ recognition:-

                                                       (a) his residence shall be at the headquarter of the State or the headquarter of the District or Sub-Division for which he seeks accreditation/ recognition;

                                                       (b) he shall be a working Journalist as defined by the Working Journalists (Condition of Service) and Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1955 and shall be engaged as a whole time press correspondent/ contractual journalist as defined in these rules for grant of accreditation at the State level or be a whole time/part time press correspondent/ contractual journalist/stringer/press-photographer /cameraman/column-basis/associate/representative and be at least in receipt of retainership as specified by the Wage Board for grant of accreditation at the District/Sub divisional level;

                                                       (c) the press correspondent of a newspaper/news agency shall be drawing the wages in the category of his newspaper and news agency as per the wage board recommendations for working journalists and the relevant notification of the Ministry of Labour, Government of India. For this a certificate from the employer shall be attached along with the application;

                                                       (d) at the time of application, the press correspondent shall have spent not less than three consecutive years in the profession of journalism and shall possess a sufficient experience;

                                                       (e) a Press Correspondent shall not have been convicted by any Competent Court of Law for any offence involving moral turpitude or criminal activity during his profession. For this, press correspondent shall submit a self certified declaration in form-II attached with these rules. Further, if Director (I&PR) consider necessary, the character/antecedent's verification of the press correspondent may also be done through concerned District Magistrate or Superintendent of Police; and



                                                       (f) no accreditation/recognition shall be given for District level at State headquarter."

Amendment of para 11                        6 In para 11 of the said rules for clause (d) the following shall be substituted:-

                                                       "(d) he engages himself in work other than journalistic such as soliciting business or advertisements for a newspaper/national weekly news magazine/news agency/television news channel/station; and."

Substitution of para 12                         7. For para 12 of the said rules the following shall be substituted, namely:-

                                                       "12 Withdrawal of Accreditation or Recognition:- When an accredited or recognized press correspondent ceases to represent a newspaper, news agency, national weekly news magazine or television news channel/station on behalf of which he was accredited or recognized, the fact shall be brought to the notice of the Director in writing by the correspondent as well as the Editor/Director/ Manager concerned within fifteen (15) days. The Director may also withdraw the accreditation or recognition suo-motu if he receives information to the same effect from any source. Such an order, however, shall be placed before the Press Accreditation Committee in its next meeting for information and confirmation."

Substitution of  para 14                        8. For para 14 of the said rules the following shall be substituted, namely:-

                                                       "14. Accreditation or Recognition shall be personal:- Accreditation or recognition shall be personal and non-transferable and given as facility and shall not be claimed as a matter of right. It does not confer on him any official status as press correspondent. The Government merely recognizes that the accredited or recognized press correspondents represents the newspaper or national weekly news magazine or news agency or electronic media which employees him. Press correspondents shall not possess letter-heads and




                                                       visiting cards with the words "Accredited /Recognized” by the Government of Himachal Pradesh."

Substitution of para 17                         9. For para 17 of the said rules the following shall be substituted, namely:-

                                                       "17 Renewal of Accreditation/Recognition Cards:- The Accreditation/Recognition cards shall be issued for a period of one year or such shorter period as issuing authority may deemed fit and shall be renewed from time to time. The maximum period of renewal shall be one year. The card shall become invalid if the press correspondent ceases to be an employee of the newspaper/national weekly news magazine/news agency/electronic news channel concerned and he shall immediately surrender the card to the issuing authority:

                                                       Provided that Editor of weekly newspapers shall submit the copies (i.e. editions) of last one year published weekly newspaper at the time of renewal of their accreditation/recognition card:

                                                       Provided further that issuing authority or State Government shall have the power not to renew the accreditation or recognition of press correspondent including Editor of weekly newspaper, in case his/her working in the field of journalism is not found satisfactory. However such case shall be placed before the Press Accreditation Committee in its next meeting for further action."                     

Amendment of Form 1                         10. In Form 1 of said rules;  

                                                       (i) For serial no. 10, the following shall be substituted, namely:-

                                                       "10 Are you employed whole time correspondent/Stringer/Part time of Newspaper/ National Weekly News Magazine/News agency/ All India Radio/ Doordarshan/Electronic channel etc."




                                                       (ii) For serial no. 19, the following shall be  substituted:-

                                                       "19 Circulation of the Newspaper or National  Weekly News Magazine and total number of pages of National Weekly News Magazine per publishing day."

        By Order


                                                                          Shrikant Baldi

   Addl. Chief Secretary (IPR) to the

   Government of Himachal Pradesh


Endst. No. Pub-A (3)-6/2018      Dated: Shimla-2             September, 2018

Copy for information and necessary action to:-

1. The Secretary to Governor, H.P., Shimla-171002.

2. All Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of H.P.

3. Media Advisor to the Chief Minister, H.P.

4. The Accountant General, H.P., Shimla.-3.

5. All Heads of Department in H.P.

6. All the Deputy Commissioners in H.P.

7. Director, Information & Public Relations, H.P., Shimla-2.

8. Under Secretary (Finance) w.r.t his U.O letter no. Fin-(C)-B(15)-15/2010-Loose  

    dated 20.08.2018

9. Under Secretary (GAD) to the Govt. of H.P. in compliance to Item No.14 of  

    Cabinet  meeting held on 05-09-2018.

10.  All the District Public Relations Officers in H.P.



                                                                                   (Pradeep Sharma)

                                                                             Under Secretary (IPR) to the

                                                                            Government of Himachal Pradesh


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