
   No. 926/2019-PUB 18th September 2019

Himachal Pradesh proposes to draft Electric Vehicle Policy 2019

                       A meeting regarding the framing of the draft for Himachal Pradesh Electric Vehicle Policy- 2019 was held today, under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary Dr. Shrikant Baldi.  During the meeting, Dr Baldi said that the vision of the Himachal Pradesh Electric Vehicle Policy- 2019 is to establish Himachal Pradesh as a model state for Electric Vehicle (EV) adoption and to provide sustainable, safe, eco-friendly, inclusive and integrated mobility.

Chief Secretary said that the Electric Vehicle policy is targeted to achieve 100 percent transition to Electric Vehicles by 2030 in the State in alignment with United Nation's sustainable development goals and vision of Government of India. He said that the objective of the policy is to save environment, accelerate demand for EV's, promote sustainable transport system and to create public private charging infrastructure for EV's.

He further added that the policy is being framed to create a conductive atmosphere for shift from Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) to EV's. He said that the policy is being framed to encourage use of hybrid EV's by the Government entities during transition period and to create newer employment opportunities. 

Dr. Baldi said that the policy aims at developing appropriate strategies of utmost importance to achieve desired policy objectives in the public interest.  He said that the policy would promote the adoption of EV technology by way of providing fiscal and non fiscal incentives. It would promote the creation of dedicated infrastructure for charging of EV's through various incentives as per standards notified for Public Charging Infrastructure by Ministry of Power, Government of India guidelines.

He informed that a viable business model will be developed for private players to set up EV charging stations and infrastructure. He said that provision for charging spots in commercial buildings such as hotels and shopping malls have also been included in the policy. Across the state, domestic rate of electrical power will be charged if electric vehicle is charged at domestic user facility. In public charging facility and commercial charging stations " Non Domestic, Non Commercial" rate of electric power would be applicable. However, Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission shall be the final authority to determine the rate of electrical power to EV charging stations from time to time.

He informed that Himachal Pradesh Electricity Board Limited has been designated as State Nodal Agency for setting up charging infrastructure for EV in the State by the department of Multi Purpose Projects & Power. The State nodal agency shall fix the ceiling of the service charges to be charged by the public or commercial charging stations. He directed the nodal agency to also indentify scopes of charging stations at major routes. He said that the policy also aims to support local manufacturing for which the State Government would provide incentives to EV batteries and related components manufacturing and disposal in the Sate. The incentives shall be provided to eligible enterprises as per Himachal Pradesh Industrial Policy as applicable from time to time.

A State level High Power Committee was also constituted for monitoring the implementation of this policy and for development of procedures and modalities where required.                                                 

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