Chief Minister Shri Virbhadra Singh while speaking on the occasion of 60th Foundation Day of All India Radio (AIR) Shimla, here today said that it has emerged as a strong medium of dissemination of information and was committed to its job from the last 59 years.
He said that in a State like Himachal Pradesh where the topography was rough and spread far and wide, AIR, Shimla has emerged as the best reliable source of information and had developed a close rapport with the people of the State.
He lauded the ethical role of AIR and said that the news broadcasted by AIR was always authentic and also the other programmes aired by AIR were liked by the people of the State. “ It is the only medium of communication which broadcasts its programmes in almost all the regional languages and even in Sanskrit”, he said.
The Chief Minister said that AIR throughout the country provides balanced views of both the ruling and the opposition besides other programmes as well and he hoped that it will keep its commitment in future too with same zeal, enthusiasm and regional impact.
Having the farthest reach, in almost every nook of the country and the State as well, AIR, Shimla touches every aspect besides providing entertainment. He said that the AIR had always stood with the people of the State in its ups and downs since its inception. “ As the print media in the State has limited reach, the people living in far-flung and remote areas still depend upon the AIR for news and infotainment”, said the Chief Minister.
I am happy to learn that more than 75 percent of people were listeners of Akashwani which broadcasts its programmes from more than 16 Stations ‘Kendras’, said the Chief Minister. Even many private agencies depend on Akashvani for dissemination of their policies and programmes, he added.
The AIR, Shimla also honoured its retired employees who had served since long in the institution and also screened profile of AIR Shimla.
A colourful cultural programme depicting culture of Himachal Pradesh was also presented on the occasion.
Director AIR, Shimla Shri Sandeep Shrivastva, Programme head Shri Devendar Singh Johal and Assistant Director, News Section, Shri Pritam Singh welcomed and honoured the Chief Minister and other guests present on the occasion..
Director, Industries, Shri Rajinder Singh, Director, Women and Child Welfare department Smt. Madhu Bala, Special Secretary, Social Justice and MD Electronic Department Shri J.R. Katwal, Director Information Technology, Smt. Priyanka Basu, Director, Information and Public Relations, Dr. M.P.Sood, Director SC/OBC, Shri Beer Singh Thakur, Special Secretary State Disaster Management Authority, Shri D.D. Sharma, Commissioner, MC Shimla, Shri Pankaj Rai and other senior officers of the State and the other invitees were also honoured on the occasion for their support and contribution for making AIR Shimla programmes a success.