Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu inaugurated two projects to be implemented in the state by the non-governmental organization 'Needle Leaf Foundation - The Savior' here today. Through these projects, the organization will work on a large scale to control forest fires and to prevent drug abuse among the youth.
The Chief Minister praised the efforts of the organization and said that the state government has ensured multi-dimensional measures to control forest fires and to conserve forests, using modern technology. He said that a large-scale campaign has been launched in the state to prevent the abuse of narcotics and drugs. Himachal Pradesh is coordinating with other states in order to stop drug smuggling.
He expressed hope that the efforts of the organization would strengthen the work being done by the government in this direction.
President of the organization Sunil Grover gave detailed information about the new schemes.
On this occasion, Additional Chief Secretary K.K. Pant, Principal Secretary Finance Devesh Kumar, Chief Minister's Secretary Rakesh Kanwar, Chief Minister's OSD Gopal Sharma, Needle Leaf Foundation members Dr. Anil Chauhan, Pradeep Kumar, S.N. Kapoor, Ajay Kochar, Treasurer Rajiv Sood and other dignitaries were present.